Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feliz Día De Qué?

Feliz Día De Amor y Amistad?

Feliz Día De San Valentín?

I asked Papa Loco...what do they use here in Puerto Rico...I've seen it both ways by other puertorricans...

His reply?

Whatever they want!

So felicidades de amor, amistad, y San Valentín!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

La Biblioteca

Woohoo! I've finally found a library here where you can CHECK OUT BOOKS! I know, it is such a common thing in the states, but here in PR, most of the libraries only allow you to look at books at la biblioteca, not take them to your casa! Well we found one, a small one, with a family memebership for $25 and the ability to check them out!

En lunes y miercoles, Smarty Pants, Sweet Thing, y Drama Mama tienen clase de arte a la iglesia (have art class at the church).  Goofy Girl, La Loquita, and I have been going to the library during that hour to look at their books.

I've only explored the children's section, which is one small corner, but there is a good selection of books, most in ingles, but a fair number in español too.

So excited to get the membership next month! NOT to lose the books once we bring them home!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


So I have once again neglected this blog! Lo siento muuuucho!

However, this was interesting to me, so I had to blog about it here.

Smarty Pants, 12, had just turned 5 when he entered foster care.  At that time, he only spoke Spanish, knowing only a handful of words in English.

Last night, he had some stress after we received an email from bio mom. He was once again adamant that he doesn't want to see her if she comes to PR.

He also had some random memories pop up from when he was little. Over the past 7 years, there really haven't been more than a handful of memories from him or the girls, so anytime he remembers something, it is significant for him. 

He was a bit puzzled that what he remembers, he remembers it in English.....even though it all happened in Spanish.  He can't remember the words used in Spanish, he's just translated what he knew happened, into the English that he knows now.

It is amazing how our brain works!